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GIBANICA, a glimpse into the future

The first national dance platforms appeared in the 1990s. We quickly followed them in Slovenia, with the founding of Gibanica. If the primary purpose of the platform was to present dance works to foreign curators, today, the development of the art field raises new questions.

What does the platform mean? Is it an overview of a two‑year production of works created in Slovenia? Is it a selection of the best performances? Is the festival aimed primarily at foreign selectors, or perhaps at local audience? How should the festival evolve in line with the needs of contemporary dance artists and new forms of dance works? What do producers need?

The discussion with various actors of the Slovenian contemporary dance scene will try to raise questions and look for possible answers, which will serve as a stepping stone for the Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia and its partners in planning the next four‑year period.

Part 1 – Clear thoughts, 10:30–11:30

Each of the invited speakers is given up to ten minutes to present their thoughts on the questions.

Part 2 – Working groups, 11:30–12:30

In this part, the speakers and the audience are divided into smaller groups, in which they reflect on a specific issue or problem and try to find a solution.

Part 3 – Presentation of groups, 12:30–13:00

Presentations of the group work of the groups will be followed by a short joint discussion of all participants.

Participants: Goran Bogdanovski, Mateja Bučar, Maja Delak, Žiga Predan, Rok Vevar, Mojca Zupanič

Moderated by Dejan Srhoj