Ivana Ivković (Croatia)
Ivana Ivković took her Master’s Degree at the Dept. of Dramaturgy at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. She is a former editor-in-chief of the performing arts magazine Frakcija(2008–2012) and a programme coordinator at the Centre of Performing Arts in Zagreb. She also contributed a lot to other publications(Maska, The Drama Review, TkH …). As a member of the performative collective BADco. Ivana Ivković has been since 2004 the co-author of many art projects. She regularly holds workshops and participates at international festivals, symposia ad conferences.
Claire Verlet (France)
After a career as a dancer and a teacher from 1980 to 1988, Claire Verlet became producer for American artists, such as John Cage, Robert Ashley, Lucinda Childs, Karole Armitage, etc, for the following eight years. Between 1995 and 2000 she was artistic advisor at La Filature, Scène nationale – Mulhouse and a consultant at Institut Francais which in 1999 appointed her the Head of its Dance section. During that time, she was a member of the boards of several dance companies and expert committees. Claire Verlet joined the Centre national de la danse in 2001 as Director of the programming where she worked until 2008 when she was asked to take over the function of the Head of the dance programme at Theatre de la Ville in Paris. Theatre de la Ville invites every year the world-class artists and monitors the development of younger artists over the years.
Petra Pikalo (Slovenia)
Petra Pikalo graduated in Paris at RIDC, the international institute for contemporary dance. She also finished post-graduate study at the Faculty of Education, the Help with Art programme, movement-dance. She joined Dance Theatre Ljubljana in 1986 and since then she has worked as a dancer, actress, puppet animator and choreographer in different performances and collaborated with several theatres and multimedia artists.
As the professor of movement and dance she began to work at the Secondary Music and Ballet School in Ljubljana in 1997. Since the introduction of the art programme, dance, module B – contemporary dance in 1999, she has taught at SVŠGL. Petra Pikalo won several awards (Transgeneracije for mentorship of the performance Nostalgija Nostalgije; Ksenija Hribar Award for teaching, 2015; Meta Vidmar plaquette for creative achievements in the field of dance art). As a dance selector she collaborates with JSKD and is the co-author of the national programme for contemporary dance for elementary school level within music schools.