February 27 2011
11 am ►Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Director Sebastijan Horvat with his artistic team has in the past decade created a director’s opus which, with the suitable support of the system, could easily be compared to the most renowned European theatre directors. His passion for research and stage provocations was, however, bound to lead to the meeting with the dancers. Originating from a workshop where the dancers along with Horvat got infected by a will for common work, the meeting of minds at the Dance Thatre Ljubljana led to the performance in 2008.
Utopia 1 is an unusual stage event in which Horvat’s subtle mastering of diverse theatre situations, scenes, assignments and meanings intertwines into a some kind of stage reader of audience temperature. The viewer unites with other viewers into an audience and again distances himself into an explicitly individual position. The performance is at one time objectivised by the viewer to the brink of pornography, while at other times, the viewer is being objectivised by the performance. Sebastijan Horvat, Leja Jurišić, Irena Tomažin, Jana Menger, Sinja Ožbolt, Primož Bezjak and Grega Zorc perform all this from a starting point of whether utopia is possible.
Avtorji: Sebastijan Horvat in Leja Jurišić, Mala Kline, Jana Menger, Sinja Ožbolt, Petra Veber Rojnik, Dejan Srhoj, Grega Zorc, Irena Tomažin, Primož Bezjak
Izvajalci: Leja Jurišić, Irena Tomažin, Jana Menger, Sinja Ožbolt, Primož Bezjak, Grega Zorc, Irena Tomažin
Prostor: Petra Veber
Producenta: Tamara Bračič Vidmar, Maks Soršak
Produkcija: E.P.I. CENTER
180 minut.