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Guided tour of the exhibition

May 8, 16.30–17.30, +MSUM

The exhibition Dance, resistance, (non)production – Aspects of dance as a cultural, political and artistic work in the period of Yugoslavia and after examines the artistic, cultural and production contexts of contemporary dance from North Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. With the outline of  so-called formations that have changed over time, the selected works speak about the intersection of feminist and gender-diverse aspects of choreographic practices, highlight the links with other forms of social and political rebellions, and bear witness to the relevance of the various media through which dance arose or act in them.

The exhibition is the result of researchers who have been establishing the conditions for proper archiving and historicizing of contemporary dance for more than a decade. It strives to affirm contemporary dance art in the cultural systems of the former Yugoslav republics and their successor states in which  it is still marginalized.

The exhibition was curated by the regional contemporary dance network Nomad Dance Academy as part of the European project (Non)Aligned Movements at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb as the first exhibition of contemporary choreographic practices in the area of ​​the former Yugoslavia. In its new layout, it is on display in Ljubljana from March to May. 

Production of the exhibition: Nomad Dance Academy, Lokomotiva Skopje, Stanica Beograd, Nomad Dance Academy Croatia, Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb.

Post-production of the exhibition: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia in cooperation with LLB3 and MG+MSUM. 

With the financial support of the European Commission, Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana.